Monday, June 27, 2011

Race Car Party

We piled on the fun this weekend celebrating 4 & 40! We pulled out all the stops. While - it wasn't over the top Martha (I do NOT have the time, energy or focus to do that) it did turn out pretty nice. ;)

The race was a success!

(the pre-race face!)

All lined up. On your marks!



Love our race cake. 

SO do these two.

This face says DON'T MESS while I'm eating my cake. ;) There was only 1 small corner piece left for me to have w/ my coffee in the AM. (which I enjoyed!)

Overview of the crowd inspecting the new present. ;) Looks like its a hit!

Two of SEVERAL attempts to take a family shot. (thanks Sa-Sa)

I've never seen so many CUTE BOOTIES in one area at one time!

There were water balloons, water slides & squirt guns. It wasn't intended to be a water-themed party but I suppose that's what happens late night when you involve 4 yr olds.

We stayed up WAAAAYY TO LATE...
but a good party never ends until someone crashes.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

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