Minted's latest holiday contest is about to close. There are a record number of submissions this year. Last I checked it was over 2000. YIKES! And they are all amazing designs.
The judges this year include one of my design - idols. Jenna Lyons, the creative director of J.CREW. I dig her style.
And I would like to move into her home.
And her "closet" room.
Jenna is going to feature her pick in her November Jenna's picks. I will be sooo happy (and so jealous) of that designer. That might be a better grand prize than Minted's grand prize in my opinion.
Below are the designs I submitted. The fun part about this is that this year the designs that are not selected I will be featuring RIGHT HERE on PHP. Details to come. Along w/ more designs.
Minted may or may not do a 1st round cut. Most people (including myself) think it's helpful to narrow down the entries. Keep you posted.